Top pict is me and Pat - wonderful person just full of Dremel knowledge. I don't think that there is anything she does not know. 2nd pict down is of the Dremel saw. It can do some really fine, detailed work with wood. Yes, you can cut shapes out of books to use in your altered books. The cut is very smooth. It is also very easy to do. 3rd pict is of a Dremel workstation with the Dremel rotary tool in it. Click on it for a bigger pict. It is so fabulous. It makes drilling so easy. It would also be great for cutting if moved to the side position. 4th position is of the Dremel display and my art fence. If you click on it, you can see my art on the shelves with the tools. The last pict down is a closer view of my art fence.
Reading Interventionist by day and mom 24 hours a day. When I am not teaching, being mom, or being a wife, I am creating art. I am mainly a fabric, collage, metal, art jewelry, and Dremel Artist. I am addicted to my sewing and felting machines. I love to teach, to blog, and to share my art techniques.You will find me mainly on Facebook.
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