Saturday, January 29, 2005

I just did this odd ATC as an example of what odd might be. It's only my interpretation. I have recently discovered Zettiology. I love it! I am now exploring my "odd" side. I want to do non-conventional - stuff that really means something to me. Zetti speaks to me. Zetti is not "odd" though even though some people may see it so. Zetti is about being free and exploring. I have seen a lot of journaling with Zetti Art. Visit to see what Zetti is all about and to view their stamps. Now that I am not a Newbie anymore, I am comfortable exploring things that interests me. I do not feel the need to do what other people are doing. I still love to see what others are doing though. You never know where or from whom my next source of inspiration will come from. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sending this to me Belinda! I love it and I treasure it. It has made me explore Zetti art and find an art outside of my regular zone- but it actually fits me! Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

I adore the freedom of Zetti and how it lets my creative imagination run wild :) Your work is great!

Anonymous said...

i just today found out about zettiolagy. your piece is very nice!
in your profile you said that your on an art group on yahoo. did you know that theres an ATC group on there? its tons of fun! im not sure if your into trading but i'd love to trade if you are heres a link to my blog page it has a few ATCs on it
hope to hear from you!