Friday, April 18, 2008

How about some blatant advertising for Golden and for Dick Blick? I don't usually wear an apron but I was dressed rather nicely for the Quilt Festival. I did not want my clothes to get dirty and then added to my "I can't ever wear it out again unless it is an art related activity" pile. Top pict of Bernie Berlin and me. Yes, my hair has really grown out. Bernie was fantastic as usual. Very friendly and happy to be here so she could get some great food. She made me hungry. Bernie showed a great technique using the Luminarte Primary Elements - Polished Pigments. I will need to definitely try as soon as I get some of the stuff! The bottom pict is of the both of us with Leilani Pierson. I took Leilani's make 'n take and it was very fun.

Here is Leilani's website:

Here is Bernie's blog:

I don't know how Bernie has time to do all the things she does. Bernie runs an animal rescue shelter as well as being a full-time artist. If you are an animal lover or looking for a good charity to support, then Bernie's animal rescue is a great choice. I felt like a bag lady dragging a huge garbage bag full of stuffies, baby blankets, and some old sweaters for the little cute doggies and kitties to Bernie at the Quilt Festival. Yeah, I am not a big dog lover but I do love cats. I know that Bernie must sleep less than I do!

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