Thursday, June 12, 2008

My sister passing away

It is hard to believe that my sister is gone. It has been almost a month now and it still has not sunk in. I still reach for the phone expecting to call her. I would always call her and tell her what the kids were doing. I think of her whenever I go to the bookstore. Her favorite thing was to go to bookstores and get tons of books to read. For some reason, neither one of us were big on borrowing books from the library. I don't mind reading books that friends loan me, but my library card is lonely from unuse.

I cried the other day when my 5 year old showed me how she could ride her bike all by herself - with no training wheels. I was so sad because Tina would never get to see that. Although Tina was not into art herself, she was very supportive of what I did. She went to my gallery exhibits and would see what new thing I was doing when she was in town. I was kinda sad when we went to the local Japanese restaurant for sushi and noodles. That was something we always did together.

We were 8 years apart. We were never really close as some sisters are. We did not really talk about personal things. I think her friends knew more about her than I did. Since she was an adult, I did not pry. We did do things together and I would swear at her for spoiling my kids so much. She absolutely loved chocolate and everything she gave us would have something chocolate with it.


Anonymous said...

you are doing the right things by thinking of your sister and remembering things you did together. My brother pased away when I was 19 and he was 23. I could not think about him for years. I miss him a lot as he was my closest brother, the one who would protect me. God Bless you, Carol

Anonymous said...

Belinda: My heart goes out to you. I am soo glad you are writing about this time in your life here on your blog, it is very healthy to share your greif instead of keeping it inside. Most, if not all, of us have lost someone to death and it never, ever is easy or simple. Soo, when you need to cry - cry, when you need to write - write. By what you wrote in a prior post, you know we are here to listen, care and share in your pain and send you healing energy.
Love & Blessings, Sandra in AZ

Anonymous said...

Your relationship with your sister sounds like my relationship with mine. Our friends know us better than we know each other. And I understand your loss--I feel that way toward my brother who died some 15 years ago.

Rosie said...

Belinda, I'm so sorry for your loss... at least you have fond memories of the time you spent together.

JeanM said...

Memories are special. They can make us laugh and cry at the same time. Eventually the smiling and laughing replace the tears. The special things you remember about her can be brought to life by a book, a thought or a beautiful day.
Enjoy your memories.

Artlab said...

I'm so sorry for your loss- my Mom passed 4 years ago and I still forget and start to call her. I think that's a good thing though- you'll never be far apart as long as you think of her. Your art will help you heal.

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Belinda - I am so sorry for your loss. I felt the same way when my dad died and then I had kids several years later, he would have gotten such a kick out of them. But remember, Tina is there with you, you carry her around in your heart...... Marva

peggy gatto said...

I am so sorry.
I got here thru collagecats and was looking at your inchies(fun), then I read this...thinking of you!