Sunday, August 03, 2008

What kind of thinker are you?

This was the result when I took the quiz:

Spatial Thinkers:
Tend to think in pictures, and can develop good mental models of the physical world.
Think well in three dimensions
Have a flair for working with objects
Like other spatial thinkers, Leonardo had a talent for designing buildings and machinery. He also invented a new style of map making

Other Spatial Thinkers includePablo Picasso, Michelangelo, Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Careers which suit Spatial Thinkers includeMechanic, Photographer, Artist, Architect, Engineer, Builder, Set designer

Here is a list of the different type of thinkers:

The things I do in the middle of the night


Judiwithaneye00 said...

Well, Belinda.....I have always thought there was something spatial (said in my best Kentucky accent) about you! LOL - gonna go take the test.


May Terry said...

Cool! I love this type of quiz. I'm an Interpersonal Thinker.