Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy birthday, Tina

Yesterday would have been my little sister's birthday. I did not forget you, Tina. I ate a bit of chocolate cake and had some chocolate candy in celebration this weekend. Her favorite thing was chocolate anything. She did not live to see her next birthday after she found out she had cervical cancer. September 28 will always be a sad day for me because she will never again ask me what I got her for her birthday. What new Winnie-the-Pooh thing I found especially for her. Tina, you weren't here yesterday so the kids could blow out the candles for you.


Sandy said...

Happy Birthday, Tina. It is great that you celebrated her birthday with cake as she would have liked.

Timaree said...

I am so sorry you lost your sister. They certainly cannot be replaced. Sounds like you have some wonderful memories of her.

christina d said...

All I can say is remember the good times. At times it is so hard, but it does get better.