Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Cheryl Darrow workshop - Ten Seconds Studio

This is the sample I did in the Cheryl Darrow workshop today. It was at Artful Gatherings in Lemont, IL. I had a lot of fun doing this class. I have done some metal embossing in the past, but I did not know how to use all her tools. I got a lot of good ideas today. I could have done an alphabet sampler but decided to do one for my husband instead. It is his birthday this Sunday and he loves anything I do with the kids in it. Ironic how the roles are reversed here. It is mounted on a piece of canvas board. You can see a little of it peeking through the top. Loved, loved, loved the color combinations that came out of Golden's transparent red oxide, interference green, and black acrylic paint. This is from a silver sheet of aluminum. Yeah, he loved it. He's going to get it framed. He doesn't get my other art, but he gets this. Go figure. Cheryl gave a lot of good, little demos to show us how to use the tools and in what order. Seeing it does more for me than reading her book - which is a good reference tool. I did not know how to use the cup and ball to make rivets. I found out how to do that - that paid for the class!

The only thing that I had trouble with was keeping track of tools and plastic molds. I put a B on my stuff at the beginning and lost track of some of my stuff. I was going to buy some stuff but I think someone else got it instead of me. I will have to get it another time. I am missing a couple of molds. Stuff like that happens to me all the time since I bring a lot of my own stuff to workshops. Things happen. I am always short a few things when I teach a workshop.

On a side note, I got my zine from Mary. Awesome job! She did such a wonderful job on the cover and the artwork came out really well. This is coming from a zinester, Mary! Thanks for all your effort on this project. I hope to see many more zines from you.

Stop at Cheryl's booth at CHA. They do a fun make-n-take.

1 comment:

ChristineMM said...

Wow, that looks like it was fun to make.

I have no clue how to do what you did on that project. Is there a book on the market that you can recommend instead of going to a workshop? It seems there are no workshops like the ones you attend, in my area of the country.

I am sorry that someone took some of your supplies--that stinks!!

My husband doesn't get my art either (or even the artwork of professional, very famous artists).