Click on the pict it you want to see the detail work.
This is the letter I made yesterday in a workshop. I was there with my friends BJ, Cindy, Marge, Mary, and Deb. It was great seeing them. BJ was a hoot. I also met some very nice people. It was more for people who did calligraphy. We practiced how to write letters. We were to pick 3 letters and color/collage the letter. I spent 3 hours doing this one. For those of you who do not know me, I do several things at once. I am usually working on 3 to 6 projects at the same time. Someone joked that I would be done with 10 letters by the time she did one. Well, I spent 3 hours focusing on a 4 inch letter. It was so detail oriented. I got bored while I was doing this first one and stopped after it. She did give us a lot of great tips though. I think I did not get as much out of it as others did because I don't do lettering. I expected something different in the workshop. I thought that we would use lettering in a piece of art. I did not think that the letter would be the art itself. I would not use this in anything I would do. I do use words and letters but I normally do not embellish them in any way. They are not used as my focal point. Some people did several letters and they turned out great. I think that I did not get into it was much because I don't use watercolors that much. This was done with watercolors instead of acrylics. Most people did not do the background, they just did the letter itself and inside the letter.
Okay, on to my next workshop. Will report on that one tonight.
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