Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Surprise in my mail

This is a Jean Brown original!

I opened my mail today to see this! I was so pleased that I almost squealed. This is from the I triple-dog dare you challenge that I got from this website:

I thought this would be a great way to get some artists out of their box-realize their art does not have to be "perfect". Art sometimes just "is". Well, Jean Brown's "Tired" tire tracks inspired me so much that I made it into a journal swap. One side is the "art" and the other side is the artist information and a messed up favorite stamp. Talk about fun. I cannot imagine what some people will come up with in this swap. I hope that it is outrageous.
You never know where the pursuit of artistic greatness will lead you. It apparently led Jean to her car and her driveway. Yeah, my dh would think I was loopy, too. He does anyway.

1 comment:

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Love this! I'm going to have to try it! Marva